Available courses

B. Sc/Sem I/NEP/Major(DSC)/Core Course: 

Name of paper:- Viruses, Prokaryotes, Algae & Fungi. 

Name of Teacher:- Dr. Aparna S. Khursel

Course Description:- In this paper, you will learn All Microorganisms & lower Plant Groups

Study Materials: In the form of E- Resources.

Assessment:- Can be done through your responses and various activities like Quiz, Assignment, Seminar etc.

A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a 
candidate as a core requirement is termed as a Major/Core course. Department/Subject Specific Core (DSC) is a single discipline course of study or specific subject course of study, which should be pursued by a student as a mandatory requirement of his /her program of study.

Name of paper:- Morphology of Angiosperm & Floriculture

Name of Teacher:- Dr. Aparna S. Khursel

Course Description:- In this paper, you will learn Angiosperm Plants & Floriculture.

Study Materials: In the form of E- Resources.

Assessment:- Can be done through your responses and various activities like Quiz, Assignment, Seminar etc.

Name of paper:- Viruses, Prokaryotes, Algae & Biofertilizers

Name of Teacher:- Dr. Aparna S. Khursel

Course Description:- In this paper, you will learn Lower Plants Group & Biofertilizers

Study Materials: In the form of E- Resources.

Assessment:- Can be done through your responses and various activities like Quiz, Assignment, Seminar etc.